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English Language & Traveling |
English Language & Travelling
English is the most important language for anyone who wants to learn, whether in studying, working, traveling, or communicating with other people from different countries.
The English language has become the first world language adopted by many countries, whether as the main language or as a primary foreign language. So you should learn it if you want to travel abroad, especially in western countries.
There are several reasons why learning the English language became very important to travel abroad for anyone to any country other than his own.
Here some of these reasons
1- English is a universal language.
2- Many countries use the English language.
3- you have to speak with foreign people, whether native speakers of English or not in several situations.
4- To get a good job in these countries.
5- The ability to know the culture of the country that we want to visit. Learning the English language helps us discover the value, customs, and lifestyles of other countries. Every country has different cultures from another one.
1- English is a universal language.
2- Many countries use the English language.
3- you have to speak with foreign people, whether native speakers of English or not in several situations.
4- To get a good job in these countries.
5- The ability to know the culture of the country that we want to visit. Learning the English language helps us discover the value, customs, and lifestyles of other countries. Every country has different cultures from another one.
6- To make a lot of friends all over the world.
It is necessary for you to try to learn a lot of English language before you travel abroad if you don't speak English well.
Here is a list of the most popular sentences that you need during your traveling.
at the airport في المطار
-What is my boarding gate? أريد أن أعرف بوابتي.
-How many bags that can I carry with me? كم عدد الحقائب التي يمكن حملها معي
what time will my flight leave?في أي وقت ستغادر رحلتي
What is the number of my flight? ما هو رقم رحلتي
-Do you know why my flight is later? هل تعرف لماذا رحلتي تأخرت
-What time does the flight arrive? في اي وقت سوف تصل رحلتي
-I have missed my flight. Could you help me please? لقد فوت رحلتي هل يمكنك مساعدتي .
-In the street في الشارع
-Excuse me, can you help me .معذرة هل تستطيع مساعدتي
-Where is the nearest hotel? أين أقرب فندق
-I do not understand. أنا لا أفهم
-Could you please talk slower?هل يمكنك التحدث ببطء لو سمحت
-Could you repeat that please?هل يمكنك إعادة ما قولته
- Thanks for your help. شكرا علي مساعدتك
-In the Taxi في التاكسي
-Take me to the hotel, please خذني إلي الفندق لوسمحت
-Is it far? هل هو بعيد
-Could you drive slowly. هل يمكنك القيادة ببطء
-Are we arrive? هل وصلنا
-How much does it cost? كم التكلفة
-Here you are. تفضل
-in the hotel في الفندق
-Do you have any room available?
-What is the price? هل يوجد غرفة متاحة
-How much is it ? كم سعرها
-What is the number? ما الرقم
-Could you give me it's key, please. هل يمكنك إعطائي المفتاح
-Is there a restaurant in the hotel? هل يوجد مطعم في الفندق
- in the restaurant. في المطعم
-What's today's special? ما هو طبق اليوم
-The menu , please القائمة لو سمحت
-I would like to get it. .... أرغب في تناول
-Thanks that was very delicious. شكرا، إنه كان لذيذ
-What is my bill, please? كم الفاتورة
-Where is the checkout? أين مكان الدفع
So, if you learn English before you travel, the travel will be too easy for you and you will not face any problems communicating with other people, getting a job and learning.